Front-End Web Development
Strong front-end web development is a key ingredient in any website or web system. Perfect design and rock solid back-end programming can be rendered useless if the end product doesn't function correctly on the user's chosen device.
Over the years it has grown to become a profession in it's own right, no longer constrained to markup, styling, and scripting. The popularity of single-page applications, not to mention responsive requirements, makes modern front-end development every bit as complex and demanding as back-end development, if not more-so.
Below is a list of the kind of things I‘ve handled. Also, see my Guess Detective project, it's a mobile app built entirely in BackboneJS.
New builds and rebuilds:
- Building responsive templates from PSD files
- Reskinning existing CMS-based websites
- Finding and fixing browser specific bugs
- Fitting new design elements into existing sites
- Retroactively applying responsive designs
Building custom functionality:
- AJAX pagination, select autoload
- Re-usable conditional dialogues
- Unique modal overlays
Integrating plugins:
- Slideshows, lightboxes, modals
- WYSIWYG editor, datepickers
- Predictive search
Adhoc UI creation:
- CMS UI created with Twitter Bootstrap
- Back office UI created with Zurb Foundation
Core Skills
Valid HTML5 and CSS3, with extensive history of HTML4 & CSS2.
Experience in graceful degradation, with a preference for progressive enhancement.
Client-side MVC implementation knowledge, plus tons of jQuery exposure.
I've seen things man, terrible things... I was browser-optimising sites when IE6 was a hot topic.
Everyday Tools
- Netbeans IDE
- Firefox
- Internet Explorer
- Opera
- Chrome
- Chrome Dev Tools
- Adobe Photoshop